Parish Plan
Producing the Parish Plan has been a demanding but rewarding task for all involved and has allowed all parishioners a chance to have their views heard. The issues raised and the actions proposed are laid out in this Plan.
Its success will depend on a willingness to work together and a belief in what we can achieve for our community.
The Parish Plan should not be seen as the final word but as a dynamic, evolving document that can reflect the changing needs and views of the community.
I hope we have honestly reflected the views of the community and that people will respect the work that went in to producing the plan.
Finally, thanks must go to members of the Parish Council and all those involved in putting together the plan particularly Tracey Edwards from CRCC and Jessica Pytel and Sally Lewis of NCDC, without whose help we couldn’t have even begun!
Thanks also to the residents who contributed their views and comments and all those who gave support and encouragement throughout the parish plan process.
The Process – Then
The Parish Plan Steering Group drew up a comprehensive list of themes of particular interest or concern to residents, and the Parish Survey was distributed to every resident in St. Issey Parish.
The actions chosen were not fixed for completion within a finite period. As the village evolves, projects will be completed, and new challenges will present themselves. The community will need to review the plan and reassess its objectives as the decade progresses, to reflect the changes in the Parish.
The Process – Now
The work associated with the Parish Plan is under current consideration for development into what would be a full-fledged Neighbourhood Development Plan – which would continue to guide and inform the work of the Council into the future.